Bulk Shipping Labels and BOL Printing

Boosting Shipping Efficiency with Bulk Shipping Labels and BOL Printing

A leading US retailer faced challenges with its printing process for labels and bills of lading from multiple companies. Seeking a streamlined solution, they approached us for a bulk order import system. This case study highlights how our customized solution revolutionized their printing process, enabling them to select shipments, print labels, and bills of lading from multiple sources on a single screen, resulting in enhanced efficiency and improved productivity.

Step 1: Challenge

Our Client struggled with the complexity of printing labels and bills of lading from various companies, involving multiple systems and manual operations. Their existing workflow lacked a centralized platform, leading to time-consuming processes and decreased productivity.

They required a solution that would streamline their printing process, simplify shipment selection, and optimize printer management.

Step 2: Solution

Understanding the Client’s unique requirements, we proposed and implemented a tailored bulk order import solution that addressed their challenges effectively. Key elements of our solution included:

I. Centralized Printing Platform

Our solution provided a unified platform where they could select shipments and print labels and bills of lading from multiple companies using a single screen. This eliminated the need for switching between different systems and streamlined their printing process significantly.

II. Customized PDF Grouping

Leveraging our custom library, we implemented a PDF grouping feature based on file width. This enabled clients to quickly identify the appropriate printer and efficiently manage their printing tasks.

III. Advanced Filtering Capabilities

To further enhance efficiency, we incorporated a comprehensive filter feature into the solution. This allowed the Client to search and retrieve shipments based on specific parameters such as PO number, IF number, form date, and to date, providing them with quick and accurate access to the required documents.

IV. Seamless Integration and PDF Generation

Our solution is seamlessly integrated with Our Client’s existing systems and workflows. For Amazon orders, we utilized PDF templates to generate labels, while some print files were retrieved through APIs, and others were dynamically generated on the Netsuite platform.

Step 3: Results

The implementation of our bulk order import solution delivered significant benefits for Our Client:

I. Streamlined Printing Process

By providing a centralized platform, Our Client was able to select shipments and print labels and bills of lading from multiple companies using a single screen. This consolidation of operations eliminated manual switching and reduced the overall time required for printing tasks.

II. Increase Efficiency and Productivity

The customized PDF grouping feature facilitated efficient printer selection, saving time and effort for Our Client. The advanced filtering capabilities enabled swift and precise searching of shipments, optimizing their workflow and increasing productivity.

III. Improved Accuracy and Cost Savings

The centralized platform reduced the risk of errors and minimized operational costs associated with manual operations. Our Client could ensure the accurate printing of labels and bills of lading, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and cost savings.


Our tailored bulk order import solution transformed the printing process by centralizing operations, improving efficiency, and enhancing productivity. With the ability to select shipments and print labels and bills of lading from multiple companies on a single screen, our solution significantly streamlined their workflow.

If your business faces similar challenges in printing documents from multiple sources, we invite you to connect with us today. Let us demonstrate how our customized solutions can simplify operations, increase efficiency, and drive success.

Maximize your business with our label and BOL solutions

Contact us now to learn more about our Bulk Shipping Labels and BOL Printing solutions and how we can benefit your business.