NetSuite HubSpot Integration: A Complete Guide

Businesses in today’s digital world are continuously searching for solutions that might help them simplify their operations and improve consumer engagement. NetSuite HubSpot Integration is a game changer for businesses looking to bridge the gap between financial data and customer relationship management. But what exactly is this integration, and how might it benefit your company? Let’s get started!

NetSuite And HubSpot: A Quick Overview

NetSuite and HubSpot, individually, are powerhouses in their respective domains. NetSuite excels in providing an extensive ERP solution, while HubSpot is a chosen CRM tool for many. But when you integrate the two, you unlock a world of possibilities that can drive huge sales and savings for your business.

Step-by-Step Instructions for HubSpot NetSuite Integration

1. Preparation Steps:

Ensure you have active accounts on both NetSuite and HubSpot. It’s always a good practice to back up your data. You would want to retain valuable customer information. Keep your API keys and credentials handy. You’ll need them in the next steps.

2. Integration Process:

  • Log into your HubSpot account.
  • Navigate to the integrations section.
  • Search for NetSuite and select it.
  • Enter your NetSuite credentials and API keys.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions, and you’ll have a HubSpot to NetSuite integration set up and running in a few minutes.

How Does the Integration Work?

The integration between NetSuite and HubSpot is straightforward. It offers a two-way sync that automatically updates changes from one system to the other. Any update in HubSpot will reflect in NetSuite and vice versa.

Moreover, users can choose which records to sync, ensuring that only relevant data is shared between the systems. For instance, lead scores from HubSpot can be sent to NetSuite, and details from NetSuite customers, companies, and opportunities can be utilized in HubSpot for marketing campaigns.

Top Features of NetSuite HubSpot Integration

1. Integrated Customer Data

With HubSpot and NetSuite integration, you can instantly sync customer data between the two platforms. This means your sales team can access up-to-date customer information without switching tools.

2. Automated Marketing Campaigns

Trigger lucrative marketing campaigns based on NetSuite data. This feature is a boon for businesses looking to target specific customer segments.

3. Enhanced Reporting

Get comprehensive reports that combine data from both platforms. A data-driven strategy is especially helpful for businesses that use data-driven strategies.

4. Real-time Data Sync

Any change in one platform reflects instantly on the other. So, if customers update their information on HubSpot, it will be reflected in NetSuite in real time.

5. Custom Field Mapping

Customize how data fields match between the two platforms. This feature gives businesses complete control over how they want to view their data.

Benefits of NetSuite HubSpot Integration

The advantages of integrating NetSuite and HubSpot are numerous:

1. Improved Efficiency: No more manual data entry. With NetSuite and HubSpot integration, data flows seamlessly between the two platforms.

2. Better Customer Engagement: Use the combined data to create personalized customer interactions. Customer loyalty and satisfaction can be improved as a result.

3. Higher ROI: Businesses can expect a better investment return with streamlined workflows and data-driven decisions.

4. Enhanced Data Accuracy: With real-time data sync, there’s a reduced chance of data discrepancies.

Real-life Examples

Let’s look at some NetSuite HubSpot integration examples where businesses have significantly benefited from this integration, showcasing increased sales, savings, and streamlined operations.


The HubSpot integration with NetSuite is not just a tool but a solution that can transform businesses’ operations. Whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, integrating these two platforms can lead to better customer engagement, streamlined operations, and increased profits.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, NetSuite does integrate with HubSpot. This integration allows seamless data synchronization between NetSuite (an ERP system) and HubSpot (a CRM and marketing automation platform), streamlining business operations and improving customer engagement.

NetSuite offers a wide range of integration options with various systems and applications. It can integrate with e-commerce platforms, financial systems, customer service tools, and more. Some common integrations include Salesforce, Shopify, Magento, and Marketo.

Integrating with NetSuite involves several steps:


  • Define Integration Goals: Determine what data and processes you want to integrate with NetSuite.
  • Select Integration Method: Choose between native integrations provided by NetSuite, third-party integration tools, or custom development.
  • Authentication and Permissions: Configure access rights and security settings to ensure data integrity.
  • Data Mapping: Map the fields and data structures between NetSuite and the integrated system.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test the integration to identify and resolve any issues.
  • Deployment: Once tested and confirmed, deploy the integration for regular use.

Integrating with HubSpot typically follows these steps:


  • Access Integration Tools: HubSpot offers native integration tools and APIs. Access these tools through the HubSpot platform.
  • Select Integration Type: Choose the type of integration you need, such as CRM, marketing automation, or e-commerce.
  • Authentication: Configure authentication and permissions for secure data access.
  • Data Mapping: Map the fields and data structures between HubSpot and the integrated system.
  • Testing: Test the integration to ensure data flows smoothly.